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RegExp generator refactoring/fixes
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djphoenix committed Sep 11, 2016
1 parent 286552e commit a3bf108
Showing 1 changed file with 56 additions and 27 deletions.
83 changes: 56 additions & 27 deletions index.js
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
'use strict'

const net = require('net')
const asn1 = require('asn1.js')
const asn1Cert = require('asn1.js-rfc3280')

Expand All @@ -22,6 +23,34 @@ const ASNStr = asn1.define('ASNStr', function () {

function _getCommon (cns) {
const counts = {}
cns.forEach((t) => {
for (var i = 1; i <= t.length; i++) {
const cmn = t.slice(0, i).join('.')
counts[cmn] = (counts[cmn] || 0) + (i - 1)
var max = -1
var ret = null
Object.keys(counts).forEach((cmn) => {
if (counts[cmn] > max) {
ret = cmn
max = counts[cmn]
return {
common: ret,
entries: cns.filter((e, i, a) => {
const es = e.join('.')
if ((es === ret) ||
(es.indexOf(ret + '.') === 0)) {
return true

function getCommonNames (buffer, encoding) {
if (encoding === undefined) {
encoding = (/^\s*-----\s*BEGIN/.test(buffer.toString())) ? 'pem' : 'der'
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -59,41 +88,41 @@ function getCommonNames (buffer, encoding) {

function toRegEx (names) {
const domains = { wc: [], single: [], both: [], ip6: [] }
const domains = { cn: [], ip: [], ip6: [] }
names.forEach((e) => {
if (/^\[?[0-9a-f:]+\]?$/.test(e)) {
return domains.ip6.push(e)
var wc = false
if (e[0] === '*') {
wc = true
e = e.split('.').splice(1).join('.')
e = e.replace(/\./g, '\\.')
if (wc) domains.wc.push(e)
else domains.single.push(e)
domains.wc = domains.wc.filter((e) => {
const idx = domains.single.indexOf(e)
if (idx === -1) return true
domains.single.splice(idx, 1)
return false
const ip = net.isIP(e)
if (ip === 4) return domains.ip.push(e)
if (ip === 6) return domains.ip6.push(e)'.').reverse())

const entries = []
if (domains.ip6.length > 0) {
entries.push('(\\[?' + => {
return e.replace(/:0([^0])/g, ':0?$1').replace(/:[0:]+:/, ':[0:]*:').replace(/:0{2,}/g, ':0*')
return e.replace(/:0([^0])/g, ':0?$1').replace(/(^|:)[0:]+:/, '$1[0:]*:').replace(/:0{2,}/g, ':0*')
}).join('\\]?)|(\\[?') + '\\]?)')
if (domains.single.length > 0) {
if (domains.ip.length > 0) {
entries.push( => e.split('.').map(i => '0*' + i).join('\\.')).join('|'))
if (domains.wc.length > 0) {
entries.push('[^\\.]+\\.(' + domains.wc.join('|') + ')')
if (domains.both.length > 0) {
entries.push('([^\\.]+\\.)?(' + domains.both.join('|') + ')')
const starmap = e => e.replace(/\*/g, '[^.]+')
while ( > 0) {
const common = _getCommon(
const suf = common.common.split('.').reverse()
const ents = => e.slice(suf.length).join('.'))

const base = ents.indexOf('')
if (base !== -1) ents.splice(base, 1)

const entry =
(ents.length > 0)
? '(((' + => e.split('.').reverse().map(starmap).join('\\.')).join(')|(') + '))\\.)' + (base !== -1 ? '?' : '')
: ''
) +'\\.')
entries.push(entry) = => (common.entries.indexOf(e) === -1))
return new RegExp('^((' + entries.join(')|(') + '))$', 'm')
Expand Down

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